
2014-15 Bowling Green Chacon Student and Family Handbook


Everybody can learn and every teacher can provide a balanced education for children including academics, physical, and social progress. This handbook is one tool that we offer students to help them learn accountability and responsibility.  It contains school rules, procedures, Life Skills, and expectations that will help them be all that they can be. Please review this handbook with your student and join us in making this a successful year for your child.



  1. Be nice to other people.
  2. Be safe.
  3. Be productive.
  4. Respect other people’s property.
  5. Listen and follow staff directions.



  • Life Skills
  • Standards for Living
  • Class Meetings
  • Awards Assemblies
  • Student Conflict Managers
  • Efficacy
  • Character Education


Students admitted to Bowling Green Chacon Language & Science Academy agree to:

  1. Wear a proper school uniform.
  2. Follow the school rules.
  3. Attend school daily and arrive on time.
  4. Use the Life Skills.
  5. Follow Standards for Living.



Efficacy is the Bowling Green Way.





Admission to the general education program is open to all students within California on a first come, first served basis. Parents are responsible for transporting their students to and from school.  Please notify the office if your child will be attending a new school. This will give the new school needed information for placement and will help your child make a smooth transition.

Admission to the school will be limited by class size restrictions and by the number of classrooms available.  Student placements in the Small Learning Communities will be based on a first come first, served basis.  Other considerations will be made with the agreement of the co-principals.

Students may be dis-enrolled for any of the following reasons:

  • Absent for five or more consecutive school days without a medical excuse signed by a doctor. In cases of an emergency, a special permit may be granted by the SLC principal.
  • Absent the first two days of a new school year.
  • Habitual attendance or behavior concerns (required to enroll in another school).

Dis-enrolled students must re-register if choosing to return to Bowling Green.

  • Students who have been dropped from the class roster for any of the above reasons may re-apply to attend Bowling Green if space is available.
  • Parents must complete new registration documents before students attend class.
  • If there are no available openings, students will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Students on the waiting list must register at their home school as determined by the district.



Students are expected to attend school everyday except when ill.  Students returning to school after an absence must bring a written note signed by the student’s parent or guardian, explaining the reason for the absence. An excused absence is illness, quarantine, doctor or dental appointments, or funeral for the immediate family.  If the illness is prolonged, or is contagious, please inform the school office manager. Late students must report to the office to receive a tardy slip before going to their classrooms. Students with excessive absences or tardies are reported to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB), where the District Attorney’s office may intervene.



Students may arrive at school beginning at 7:40 a.m. unless participating in the breakfast program which begins at 7:40 a.m. Students eating breakfast are to remain in the cafeteria until campus supervision begins.

Students will walk from their classroom directly to their assigned dismissal area or after school program. Students not attending extended day or using the library are to leave school grounds.  Students not participating in supervised activities need to be picked up no later than 2:30 p.m. Supervision will not be provided beyond 2:30 p.m.  All students and parents must use designated crosswalks at all times to and from home.

Parents dropping off or picking up students should use the designated circle area of the Chacon campus to drop off and pick up students. 



Students who ride bicycles will follow safety rules including walking their bicycles across major intersections and on school grounds.  California law states that all bicyclists under 18 years old must have helmets to ride a bike.  For added security, students should have a padlock and bike chain/cable to lock up their bicycle.  Students should see the Plant Manager for the location.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles.



Breakfast is available from 7:40-8:00 a.m.  The typical breakfast menu selection is cereal, pastry, yogurt, or fruit.  Milk is included in every meal. Hot lunch and salad bar are available daily. A menu is sent home by mail in the District’s publication “Connections.”  Students bringing lunch can purchase milk.

Federal law prohibits students from taking school food out of the cafeteria if it is from the free or reduced lunch program.  Visitors / parents may buy a lunch after all students have been served.



Students are not allowed to have a cell phone on campus unless it is registered in the Chacon office. We discourage students from bringing phones to school. The phone must be off during school hours, kept out of sight, and not be used on school property. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. Unauthorized use of cell phones or unregistered phones will be confiscated. On the first occasion, the principal will keep the cell phone and return it only to the parent.  If there is a second offense, the student will not be allowed to bring the cell phone to school.



When there is a change of address or phone number, please notify the school office as soon as possible. In the event of an emergency, school staff will need to locate parents. Doctors cannot treat patients under 18 years old without parent consent.



Parents, guardians, and community members are encouraged and welcome to visit our school, especially our classrooms.  Please make arrangements at least one day in advance with the respective teacher or principal.  All visitors must report to the office prior to visitation. In order to promote a safe school environment, we ask that all visitors wear a visitor’s badge, stay in the designated/authorized location/s of the visit, and leave at the designated time (if given) while on campus.



Parents may request and schedule a conference with the teacher or principal at anytime. Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled three times a year, the beginning of the school year and at the close of the first and second trimesters. Report cards with current grades will be discussed at these conferences.



Correcting misbehavior so that it will not be repeated and teaching good choices are the main goals of discipline. Consequences are rendered to teach students not to repeat the misbehavior and to teach the accepted behavior. Consequences may include:

  • Staff member talking with student
  • Solving with Conflict Managers
  • Class Meeting
  • Time Outs
  • Discipline Buddy referral
  • Parent Conference
  • In-House Suspension
  • Out of School Suspension



Students are expected to follow the School Rule Number 5, “Listen and follow staff directions.” Continued defiance will result in a referral to administration.  The parent may be contacted to come in for a conference or to take the student home. Habitual defiance or dangerous activities can result in suspension.



Uniforms:  To be enrolled at Bowling Green, students must wear a proper school uniform. A proper school uniform is a white or blue collared shirt or blouse and dark blue or khaki slack pants, shorts, or jumpers.

Blue jeans (pants, shorts, jumpers, or skirts) are not part of the school uniform.  Plain blue athletic shorts without stripes or piping, logos, numbers, etc are acceptable.  Corduroy pants or skirts are acceptable.  Pants are to be worn at waist level, without sagging.  The shirt is plain and without writing, pictures, numbers, or logos and worn with a plain white undershirt if desired. No colored shirts are to be worn under the uniform shirt.   Parents will be contacted to bring the student a uniform if the students do not wear a proper school uniform.

The length of shorts must pass the finger tips of the student when the arm is at the student’s side.  Any length above the student’s finger tips is too short and not appropriate school attire. Tank tops and sleeveless T-shirts are not appropriate for school.  Skirts, jumpers, and dresses must be appropriate for school, at or just above knee length.  When wearing a skirt or dress, it is recommended student also wear shorts.

If a student attends school without a uniform, the school will make an attempt to provide a uniform on loan, and the student will be asked to change in the bathroom.  If the family is experiencing financial difficulties, a uniform may be requested from the clothes closet or from the Chacon PTA.

Make-up:  Facial make-up is not appropriate for elementary school. Students will be asked to remove any make-up.

Belts:  Belts must be worn to hold pants at waist level.  Belts must be in loops.  If a student does not have a belt, the school will provide rope or yarn to hold pants at waist level.

Shoes and Socks: Shoes and socks should be worn at all times.  Athletic shoes with socks are preferred because of playground and P.E. activities. Shoelaces need to be tied.  Sandals worn with socks are allowed.  Boots may be worn.  Athletic sandals may be worn. 

Jewelry:  Students should keep jewelry and other expensive adornments at home.  This will prevent loss or theft of valuable and precious items.

Headgear:  Headbands or bandana type scarves are not to be worn to school; this includes recess, lunch, PE, and dismissal.  Hats, caps, visors, hoods, and sunglasses are allowed outside, if worn appropriately, but they cannot be worn indoors. Items that are identified as gang related affiliation or symbols are not allowed.



When a student is late to school, a note stating the reason for tardiness must be sent with the student to the office.  If a student is to be dismissed early from school, a note should be sent to the teacher stating the date, time, and reason for the dismissal prior to dismissal.  During school hours, students are not permitted to leave school grounds without administrative permission. An adult must sign out the student at the office.  Only adults over 18 years of age, with a valid ID, listed on the emergency card will be allowed to sign out students.

Students will not be released to any person other than the parent/legal guardian or the individual(s) that parents have listed on the “Student Emergency Health and Safety Information” form. 



Every student is required to have an up to date emergency card on file with the school office.  In case of sudden illness or accident or other emergencies, the school must be able to reach the parent/guardian. 



Field trips are valuable teaching aids.  They provide direct experiences for learning and are an extension of classroom instruction. A signed permission form is required and a fee may be collected for each field trip.  Good school behavior is essential in order to attend.  A student may be excluded from field trips if the teacher and administrator feel that the child’s presence creates a safety problem to himself or others. Additionally, students with an outstanding monetary balance and/or materials owed to the school or district may be excluded from field trips as well.



While traveling to and from school as well as on the school grounds, fighting is a cause for immediate suspension.  A conference will be required before returning to school.  Suspended students may not participate in any school-related, activities during the suspension and may be disqualified from participating in future events.



Appropriate language is to be used at school at all times. A student using foul or vulgar language will receive appropriate consequences.  Students using foul language directed to an adult or teacher may be suspended. 



Health Screenings may consist of the following: vision, hearing, speech, and Sclerosis.  Screenings are conducted by district school nurses.  If you do not want your child to participate, please notify the principal in writing.



Homework will be assigned by teachers regularly as practice or an extension of concepts taught in class.  The general rule for the amount of time for homework per day is 15 minutes times the number of the grade. Individual teachers will provide specific guidelines for classroom homework policies.



Classes are scheduled to use the library once a week to borrow books.  Students must return the books the following week before they are allowed to check out another book.  Parents will be billed for lost or damaged books.

The library is also open for parents to check out books to read.  A parent resource book center is available for parents to borrow books and videos on parenting skills, study skills, etc.  Each person may check out 2 books at a time. The library is open 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on school days for student and parent use.


Life Long Guidelines

  • Personal Best
  • No Put-Downs
  • Active Listening
  • Truthful
  • Trustworthy



  • Caring:  To show and feel concern for others
  • Common Sense:  To use good judgment
  • Cooperation:  To work together toward a common goal or purpose
  • Courage:   To act according to what your believe
  • Curiosity: To desire to investigate and understand the world
  • Effort:  To do your best
  • Flexibility:  To be willing to change your plans when necessary
  • Friendship:  To make and keep friends with a mutual trust and caring
  • Initiative:  To take action when it is needed
  • Integrity:  To act according to what’s right and wrong
  • Organize: To work, plan, and implement in an orderly way
  • Patience:  To wait calmly for someone or something
  • Perseverance:  To keep at it in spite of difficulties
  • Pride:  Satisfaction from doing your best
  • Problem-Solving:  To seek and create solutions in all situations
  • Resourcefulness: To respond to challenges in creative ways
  • Responsibility:  To be accountable for your actions
  • Sense of Humor:  To laugh and be playful without hurting others



The Lost and Found is located in the Chacon Office. Students may check after school for lost items.  We recommend writing student names on personal possessions such as jackets, binders, backpacks, sweaters, lunch boxes, notebooks, etc.  Clothing items not claimed by the end of the school year will be collected and sent to the Clothes Closet. 



Students requiring medication during the school day must have the following:

  1. A completed Medication Form on file at the school.
  2. A written statement or prescription from the student’s doctor.
  3. A written statement from the parent or guardian to give permission for school personnel to administer the medication.

School Board Policy states that school personnel cannot dispense medication to students unless it is a long-term requirement and unless proper medication forms are completed and on file at the school. Students are not allowed to carry medication at school.  This includes all types of over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprophen, or eye drops.  Prescription medications with the medication forms are kept in the office.  Medication Forms are available in the office.



Students are provided playground equipment. Students are to keep their personal sports equipment, toys, and electronic equipment at home.  Hardball baseballs are prohibited on all school playgrounds throughout the school district, except on designated high school fields. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen equipment or property.



SC- Steering Committee:  The SC is the school leadership.  Parents of the SC work with teachers and the principal in evaluating the effectiveness of programs and interventions for the school.  The SSC reviews the school plan, data, and the budget.

ELAC-English Learner Advisory Committee:  The ELAC is in charge of working with the principal to review the progress of English Learners.  The focus is on closing the achievement gap, School Plan, Parent Involvement, and budget. 

These committees are composed of parents and staff to advise school staff regarding components of federally funded programs.  Please contact the Principal if you want to be on the committee.

PTA- Parent Teacher Association- The PTA is responsible for all social events on campus.  Both parents and teachers participate.



Students are expected to be responsible for school materials and all school property. Parents will be held responsible to pay for damages caused by their children.  This includes textbooks.



Eating is confined to the cafeteria with the exception of certain classroom activities.  Gum is not allowed at school.  Students are encouraged to stay away from houses or street vendors that sell candy.  Students are not to sell candy or snack-like items on the school campus.



All school district property is alcohol, tobacco, and drug free property.  No student or adult is allowed to use these substances at any time on any part of the school campus. 

Any student who sells, possesses, uses, or is observed under the influence drugs, narcotics, or alcohol on school property can be suspended and recommended for expulsion. The involved students can also be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authority.



Parents are encouraged to assist teachers or other staff members by becoming school volunteers.  Volunteers are asked to follow district requirements by completing the district clearance procedures. The procedures include filling out a Volunteer packet.  The packets are available through the office.  Volunteers will not be allowed to work on campus until the “Clear to Volunteer” is received by the school.  All volunteers must sign-in in the office.